Nucleus Logic eCart

Do you?

Keep manual time records on paper and archived physically on site

Using manual retrieval and other processes around managing the paper documentation

Need to manually sum up hours to complete payroll

This obviously causes human error and can be time consuming to calculate and confirm totals.

Try Now Our Nucleus Logic Time Clock For FREE!*
Use software that can only be accessed from your premises

Meaning your time can only be spent at the office away from loved ones

You could be?

Try Now Our Nucleus Logic Time Clock For FREE!*
Providing versatile time clock access for staff

Give your staff time clock access on Tablets, SmartPhone’s or any PC connected to the internet

Try Now Our Nucleus Logic Time Clock For FREE!*
Instantly exporting staff hour reports on demand

You will have the ability to run staff hour reports that you can edit and export into spreadsheets

Try Now Our Nucleus Logic Time Clock For FREE!*
Controlling employee location access to secure your staff time management

Lock access to your employee users only giving them access to clock in while on your premises

Limited Time Special Offer

Take advantage of this limited time offer to trial our time clock, it is free to use.

Try Now Our Nucleus Logic Time Clock For FREE!*If you choose to continue using our Nucleus Logic Time Clock it will cost a mere $9.95/mth for up to 10 employees and then $0.99 cents a month for any additional employee’s.

Learn more about our Nucleus Logic Time Clock…

What It Does

  • Allows you to create employees on any device connected to the internet
  • All staff can log-on and clock in
  • Logging in can be secured to your business premises
  • The system runs instant reports that you can export to a CSV or PDF for payroll processing

Value to your business

  • Get rid of paper
  • Reduce headache of manually adding everything up

Check where your employee’s are at from any internet connected device, any where in the world:

  • Who’s clocked in
  • When they clocked out
  • Instantly see what the running total is of TODAY’s hours
  • See where different departments are at
  • Run seamlessly across multiple sites:

    “We have our Packing shed that has 12-15 staff working and then 2 paddocks where separate farm teams are working from, we have positioned an iPad as each site and the staff simply clock on and in our head office we can instantly see who is logged on where, it really makes life simple”

    Jan Vydra
    Managing Director
    Australian Fresh Leaf Herbs

Why is it free right now?

This tool is just one part of our overall business management platform and we would like to showcase to you just how this simple time clock can help your business and make life easier for you. If this is the only tool you require from us then that’s fine but if your business would like to look at improving other area’s of your business like; purchasing, sales, stock control or even find another way.

So What does it cost after the free trial?

Once your trial finishes, you will be prompted whether you would like to continue, because this is a basic business tool we have made the billing simple as well;

For up to 10 employees created you will be $9.95AUD a month, for any additional employee created a further $0.99 cents/mth will be added to your monthly access charges. If your employee numbers drop or you deactivate employee accounts then we will cease charging you for this service.

What do I need?

  1. An internet connection
  2. Any device with a browser; iPhone/Smart Phone, iPad/Tablet or PC

Because it’s on the internet can my staff clock on anywhere?

Our time clock lives in the cloud, you are able to access it from anywhere, however using some creative software design we have given you the ability to limit employees to only log on at your workplaces. This is managed by the IP address assigned to your modem that your business accesses the internet through, this best works with Static IP addresses which your ISP can assign you.

Can I brand it?

Absolutely, you can add your company touches just as company logo and background to really make the time clock feel like it is part of your business.

Where/How do I access my time clock on the web?

When you sign up for the free trial you will be asked to enter your preferred URL name which most companies choose their company name as one word i.e. yourcompanyname, upon submitting your request for a trial the system will generate a unique internet address for your new time clock application, that will look like something like this;

You will then be able to access and login to your Time Clock from any internet connected device that has a browser.

How long does it take to setup?

1) Signing up for a free trial and receiving the login takes less then 60 sec’s
2) Then you just need to enter your employees and their details, this will depend on how many employees you have, if you have their details on hand then this might take a couple of minutes per employee?
3) And then you are on your way, its a pretty painless and simple to setup and use the application.

How do my employee log on?

The minute that you create the new employee profile, please ensure that their email is 100% correct, because they will instantly receive a welcome email with their login details that they will be able to change and make personal. Once they have their user name password they will have the ability to login and clock on, no need for you to call them and give them the details.

Can I share my idea’s to improve the product?

Business idea’s and feed back is what we are built on, every user on your system has direct access to our feedback / support portal. We read all these requests and try to continue to evolve our platform to support business.

Whats next for this Time Clock?

For this particular product on our platform, from the feed back we have already received we have 2 new enhancement that are already in the pipeline.

1) Rostering

Do you have employees call you asking when they are working next, our first enhancement that will be release within the next months, is to allow our businesses to create roster and employees get instant email notification of rostering changes and have the ability to login and see their own live rosters online.

2) Pay run integration with Xero

Xero is a major online accounting platform that our core Nucleus business platform integrates with already, we are currently developing the ability for time clock users to seamlessly publish their selected pay runs directly into Xero.

Time Clock Overview

This is an instruction video that outlines the core functionality for the Nucleus Logic Digital Time clock from start to finish. This new very simple digital tool allows your business to quickly an efficiently manage employee attendance to your workplaces, no hardware required all you need is any device device connected to the internet and your away…

Try Now Our Nucleus Logic Time Clock For FREE!*