Picking and Packing

Record packing of orders digitally

Daily Production
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Ability to digitally package your orders, no more paper clipboards.

Shows you orders needing to be packed, shown chronologically by when the order was placed, and the ability to record packing them.

What will it add to my Nucleus Platform?

You may select orders to be packed, listed by dates of when the order was placed. After selecting an order, it will show you the number of products to be packed and the option to pack them. If you wish to pack a certain amount, rather than the full amount required, you may manually select the product and choose a quantity to pack, before finalising your order.


  • Know when your orders are ready to be dispatched
  • Don’t need to record on paper
  • Find orders by dates of when the order was placed digitally

Interested in trying this feature out?

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30 Day Free Trial Available.



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